Blog Archives

March 29, 2022

Regenerative Agriculture and Agroecology

As it stands, the agricultural sector is one of the biggest emitters of CO2 and is a major contributor to the dramatic changes we are seeing to our climate around the world and here in the UK. Along with forestry, food production and other land use, agriculture is responsible for nearly 25% of human-created greenhouse […]

February 28, 2022

The Growing Benefits of Biosolids

Biosolids are nothing new. For hundreds of years, cultures around the world have been applying wastewater biosolids to their agricultural land to create nutrient-rich soil. In fact, countries like Germany and the Netherlands use almost all of their biosolids in this way. And why not? What better way to make use of this waste than […]

December 21, 2021

Farmers Guardian Features O J Neil

Our very own Tom Clarkson was recently interviewed for an article in Farmers Guardian (FG) where he discussed the features and benefits of the self-propelled Ploeger.

September 10, 2021

Thames Water Extend Contract With O J Neil

After a successful five-year contract with Thames Water based in Reading, Berkshire, O J Neil are thrilled to have been granted a two-year extension…

August 30, 2021


July 21, 2016

Thames Water/ Thames Grow contract

O J Neil Contracting are pleased to announce the award of a 5 year contract with Thames Water Utilities Ltd. The contract will see the business apply over 355,000 tons of Biosolids per year under the ThamesGrow banner…